A collaborative group of public, private, and community stakeholders that have partnered to rebuild our urban forest.
To grow a green, healthier, vibrant, sustainable, safer, and equitable urban forest.
Our Reason
Did you know all urban areas are losing its tree cover at an alarming rate. Trees are felled due to storm damage, disease, and development. Most trees are concentrated in parks, steep slopes, and wealthier neighborhoods. Many parts of the city lack shade, clean air, and public green space.
Waterbury Needs More Trees
Inspire People To Value Trees
Encourage everyone to correctly plant and care for trees so they stay healthy and grow to maturity
Connect with people so they better understand the value of trees and can become advocates for trees in their communities
Educate homeowners, landowners, agencies, communities, and organizations across Waterbury on why an increased canopy is important
Increase Waterbury's Tree Canopy
Protect and expand planting of trees as critical infrastructure
Advocate for more trees for under-resourced communities and neighborhoods
Collect and communicate the latest tree science and urban forestry information
Reduce Threats To Urban Trees
Help residents and communities recognize the importance of tree diversity
Use NEST’s local mapping of tree species diversity to more effectively manage the urban forest
High Property Values
Each large front yard tree adds
1 % or more to the sales price of a home.
Improved Water Quality
In a year, 100 large 40-year-old trees capture about 370,000 gallons of rainwater, reduce soil erosion, and the cost of storm-water management.
Healthy People
In a year, 100 large 40-year-old trees remove 31 tons of carbon dioxide and 420 pounds of other air pollutants. Trees reduce stress levels and are correlated with lower rates of death from pulmonary and cardiovascular disease.
Homeowner Savings
Strategically placed trees can save up to 56 % on annual air-conditioning costs. Evergreen trees that block winter winds can save 3% on heating costs.
Safe Communities
Tree-filled neighborhoods have lower levels of violence and are more conducive to social interaction.
Better Business
In tree-lined commercial districts, shoppers visit more frequently, shop longer, and pay more for goods and parking.
Request A Free Tree
We appreciate your interest in receiving trees from the Waterbury Tree Coalition.
Please fill out the form. Your information will not be shared outside the Waterbury Tree Coalition.
If you have any questions, please email Demetre (