Reinvestment Grants For Waterbury
As a recipient of Connecticut Social Equity Council’s reinvestment funding, NEST presents this opportunity to provide immediate financial assistance to create and enhance programs and services for communities disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition and enforcement; to support broad-based economic development in disproportionately impacted areas (DIA) communities; to increase the quality of life, vibrancy, accessibility, and equity in communities disproportionately harmed by cannabis prohibition and enforcement.
Update, July 13, 2023: Please note, the source of funding for all Social Equity Council programs and activities is sales tax revenue from CT’s Adult-Use Cannabis Industry, which is not federally legal at this time. Applicants are advised to check with their legal counsel, funders, and/or governing body to determine eligibility to apply for and receive these funds.
Update, July 26, 2023: The round 1 application deadline is extended until August 31, 2023, 11:59 pm.
Update, August 3, 2023: On August 1, 2023, the Connecticut Social Equity Council approved an updated Disproportionately Impacted Area (DIA) map. The 2023 map adds several new census tracts. View the map here.
Update, August 3, 2023: 10% of your program's budget may be utilized towards administrative expenses.
Grant Details
Organization Prerequisites
Grantees must submit proof of a 501c3 certification, or work with a fiscal sponsor with the same qualifications, and be in good standing with the IRS and the state of Connecticut. Grantees must serve the Waterbury DIA community. *UPDATE (7/11/2023): 80% of your program’s participants must live in the DIA community as defined by the state of Connecticut.
Project Qualifications
Funding shall be used exclusively for the development, expansion, and support of projects that uplift communities and strengthen families disproportionately impacted by the War on Drugs in the following categories:
Youth Education, Recreation, and Arts: Enrichment Projects for young people and their families that assist in preparing the future workforce; STEM/STEAM; financial literacy; promoting physical and mental health wellness (get outside, get off the games); sports; mentoring; youth and parent leadership and empowerment; creative culture Projects (i.e., performance arts, music, dance, instruments etc.); community uplifting; organizing and empowerment. (ROUND 1; July 1 – August 31)
Re-entry/Reintegration: Projects that support formerly incarcerated individuals and their families (i.e., fatherhood/parenthood/grandparents initiatives); civil legal aid; justice involved youth; expungement/criminal record erasure; homelessness; family stability, etc.; community uplifting; organizing and empowerment. (ROUND 2; August 1 – August 31, 2023)
Grantees shall submit quarterly reports highlighting spending of funding, progress in project completion, outcomes, and impact of funding on the community.
Grantees must complete and expend their grant funds by June 30, 2024.
The Grantee’s use of the funding is restricted to program-related expenses and 10% of your budget may be utilized towards administrative expenses.
Grantees shall not use the funding for the following purposes: lobbying, payment of taxes, subsidizing a business, refinancing, or restructuring existing debt, relocation of a business, personal loans, payment for personal needs (such as child support, rent, utilities, etc.), or illegal activities. Furthermore, grantees shall not use the funding to create or replenish a loan Project.
Completed Submissions Must Include
IRS Tax Determination
Budget in Excel format
Completed application
*After submission of your application, please send your required documents to grants@nestct.org. Do not send any questions to this mailbox.
Application Deadline & Award Notifcation
Round 1 (July 1 – August 31, 2023)
Applications open on July 1 and are due by August 31, 11:59 pm
Round 2 (August 1 – August 31, 2023)
Applications open on August 1 and are due by August 31, 11:59 pm
All applications must be completed, in full, and submitted electronically by their corresponding due date (see above). You may also submit a hard copy of the application to the NEST office at 193 Grand St., 3rd Floor, Waterbury, during business hours.
M-W: 8:45AM – 5:00PM | Th: 8:45AM – 7:00P | F: 8:45AM – 12:45PM
The announcement of award notifications is typically expected within a timeframe of 2-4 weeks following the conclusion of the round.
Please contact Maybeth (maybeth@nestct.org) with any questions you may have while navigating the application, about the granting process, or about this funding opportunity.