Remembering NEST in a will or trust leaves a powerful legacy of commitment to our mission.
Building a Legacy of memories.
How will you choose to be remembered? What mark will you leave upon this world?
By participating in NEST’s Planned Giving program, your legacy could be one of strength and care, one defined by its fierce determination to address affordable housing needs in Connecticut.
There are several different types of planned gifts, allowing you to choose what’s best for you. Charitable bequests can be as simple as including a statement of your intent to donate in your will. Financial advisors as well as estate planning resource materials can help identify which path is best for you.
Real estate
Retirement plan distributions
Charitable gift annuities
Charitable remainder trust
Charitable lead trust
Retained life estate**
Bargain sales**
Life insurance policies**
Wills & Living Trusts
A gift in your will is a simple yet meaningful way to support NEST’s mission to provide quality, affordable housing. You can complete your gift by including just one sentence in your will. This gift will be enacted to celebrate your legacy — and costs you nothing today. Plus, if your life or financial circumstances should change, you can always amend your gift at any time.
Beneficiary Designations
If you have assets (like IRAs, life insurance policies, real estate, or commercial annuities), you can easily designate NEST as your beneficiary. The process takes five minutes and will ensure that a portion of your fund go directly toward providing quality, affordable housing, and other resources to increase homeownership.
Here’s how to name NEST as your beneficiary:
Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form.
Decide what percentage (1 to 100) you would like NEST to receive and name us, along with the percentage you chose, on the beneficiary form.
Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank, or financial institution.
Notify nest of your designation. We would welcome the opportunity to show you the impact your generosity will have in the community.
Charitable Gift Annuities
If you’re a passionate supporter of NEST and know that you want to power our mission now and after your lifetime, you may want to consider setting up a charitable gift annuity with us.
To learn more about establishing a charitable gift annuity with NEST, email NEST’s Deputy Director, Maybeth Morales-Davis (maybeth@nestct.org).